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Date Posted: 23:39:38 06/01/06 Thu
Author: Natalie
Subject: She shifted a little reluctantly off of him, but smiled as he dashed off - complete adoration warming her features as she sat their patiently waiting for him to return. As he dropped down and slipped on the ring, her smile widened back into a grin, and she inhaled a soft breath and wiggled her fingers a little. "Definitely. Definitely pretty enough." She assured him and then took his face in her hands and leaned down to press a firm, full kiss to his lips, laughing softly as she drew back. "You could have just tattooed 'Property of A.D.' on my forehead... And the beer's a nice touch." For all her teasing though, that fact that she was ecstatic and so completely in love with him was more than obvious.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "

She works till three, it's uniform
She dreams that he'll come by the store
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected
on 22:04:21 05/30/06 Tue

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  • He smirked a little when she mentioned the beer before he looked over and frowned a touch. "Shit. Hang on." He stated, getting up and running back down the stairs, one hand on either railing to make sure he didn't break his neck before he got to sleep with his fiance. Heading back to the fridge, he grabbed her a beer and then came back up, dropping back down to his knee as he twisted off the cap and tossed it aside, handing the beer to her and looking a little sheepish. "I forgot one for you." He grinned a touch, looking up at her adoringly. "So, a beer and a pretty ring on your left hand...does this mean I get a yes?" He questioned softly, his hand shifting to rest on her knee as he gazed up at her. (NT) -- Adam, 23:41:56 06/01/06 Thu

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