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Yes I see your point. I imagine playing either role would be less fulfilling if it is "cartoonish" as opposed to subtle. I've just been reading up on Olivia. Apparently, she wanted the role of Melanie, not Scarlett. (inside) -- Cece, 14:09:20 07/22/14 Tue [1]
I found Melanie and Ashley, tiresome characters. Melanie was stronger than she appeared and Ashley was weak. I couldn't understand why Scarlett wanted Ashley instead of Rhett. I mean...COME ON! That scene when Rhet picks her up and rushes up that long curved staircase, is epic.
Did you know that Olivia is 98? I always thought that her name and Joan Fontaine's name were made up Hollywood names. However, de Havilland is the real name of their father, and Joan changed her name from de Havilland to their mother's maiden name, Fontaine. Who knew?
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Olivia De Haviland, in her movie, "The Heiress" She changes from an extremly quiet kind good girl to someone else entirely about midway through the movie. I've watched it almost every time I can catch it on TCM.. -- mkim It is a movie worth seeing, 16:26:43 07/21/14 Mon [1]
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