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Subject: Soft feathers

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Date Posted: 22:27:07 03/12/03 Wed
In reply to: Elvis 's message, "SHEET!!!" on 10:09:19 03/12/03 Wed

Sierra's smile was warm, playful, familiar even as purple flecked blue eyes regarded her sister in heart, her goddess. Shifted towards Jin, finally mending himself though he still held scars placed by Mitsukai. Watched the Seer embrace him and his arm fall so easily about her shoulders. When Fate met Vision, it was rare either would see beyond one another's thoughts.

Displaced from this world, her lips brushed Magus' and a pale imaged watched their son.

"The chaos chose me, and the Fates chose you." She shrugged characteristicly. "In that aspect, I suppose I am your traveling companion while you weild Fate, and you are mine so long as I hold chaos. I've no intention of giving away chaos, so..." She shrugged again, reflection of herself looking to Tyrsis then Zenra. "We all make choices. Sometimes they are good ones. Sometimes they are not." They could decifer that as they would, her love's lips on her neck had more meaning to her than questions that Jin held answers to. The avatar faded away, to be called again if needed.

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UnexpectedJin09:10:14 03/13/03 Thu

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