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Subject: Overpowered

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Date Posted: 00:32:50 01/16/03 Thu

The sun began to set over snowy fields, rays of burning light expanding over the horizon. There had been no word from the demon realm of how Jin and his forces had faired, but there were no ears to listen anyways. Silence suddenly fell over the heavens, as the sun seemed to drown into the landscape causing the sky to turn a shade of pink. It was a sight that could put even the most rabid of animals at peace, and perhaps a sign of hope to the weary traveler.

The silence was suddenly shattered by a quaking sound, the wind crying out as it was tossed aside by a somewhat familiar force. The white aura could have been seen for miles, Zion’s body engulfed within it, his speed causing the snow below to part leaving a trail behind him. Sapphire eyes looked forward upon the what seemed endless sky, it almost straying his thoughts for a moment, but a moment could mean his brothers life, and he could not afford it. The mere thought caused his power to release a bit more, the aura around him expanding a bit more, his speed accelerating dramatically.

He crossed many acres of land, the mountains passing below him only indicating that he drew closer to his destination. When the winds grew stronger, and the cold became much more intense, he knew he had arrived, his will of flight suddenly coming to a halt, the impulse causing a booming sound as the wind caught up with him. On the side he floated on, the winds were soft and almost soothing, but before his eyes he could see the endless blizzard that had resided there for so many years now. It was as if the land had exiled the Northern glacier, condemned it to its own little world of endless snow, and as strange as it seemed, one step, and he would be home.

Unfortunately the extremely high wind, and the overpowering snow made flight almost impossible to the untrained eye, and Zion was no exception. He had been away for so long that he was sure to loose himself in the eternal storm, and on a usual note that would not have been a problem, but Jin needed him, so he could not afford such a fate. He inhaled slowly releasing his holed upon the bukujutsu technique that allowed him flight, his body slowly lowering to the snowy fields below, the soothing feeling upon his heal indicating that he had touched ground. There was no longer time to spare, and the storm was not getting any lighter nor would it anytime soon, so once again taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, into the raging storm.

The cold air beat upon his body taking the shape of dead warriors of the mighty Icewind clan, some of them never having reached the far realm, their souls forever captive, thirsting for revenge. They were the faces of his nightmares, the people whom he had not been there to protect, and their blows were directly upon his soul, the pain so intense he was brought to one knee. His eyes closed tightly, fists clenched just the same, as midnight blue hair raged backward within the accelerated winds, this was a battle that he could not win, a battle against his own pain, a force mightier than anything imaginable, but a force that would never be in his reach. When the abuse was no longer bearable, his arms raged downward, his neck stretching to its furthest extent, and a mighty roar suddenly emerged from his lungs, and to his surprise, there was silence.

He slowly opened his eyes, his mouth having remained open from the yell, but he was no longer in the midst of the raging blizzard. He found himself in the middle of the Icewind palace ruins, the large sharp stones that remained still emanating with the last of the tribes energy. It was true that the storm was gone, but the winds were still quite strong, and snow continued to fall, but this of course any Icewind could handle. Sapphire eyes peered about the lifeless ruin, but he found not what he had came to claim, the Angel fusion was not there.

Songi’s words had been clear as day, Zion was to go to North glacier, and claim the weapon of his mentor, but it all seemed a lie. He sighed as he thought of what idiotic idea had made him believe one as evil as his alter ego, though it was a premonition of the dead, surely it did not make it true. He shook his head as he turned away from the ruin, torn by the sight of his home that now laid in a shamble, so many memories rising from the snowy fields, things lost to him such as happiness. The pain was unbearable, but enough tears had been shed on this land, and he would not add to the lost souls suffering.

Taking on last glance at the mighty ruin he turned his gaze upon the raging blizzard outside of the palace gates that still stood strong, the sight of them revitalizing Zion’s hope. He felt as if they were a sign that no matter how harsh the battle, and how low the numbers they were, the Icewind would always be the mightiest of clans. Once again letting out a sigh of relief he began towards the gates, his pride renewed, the thought that maybe the weapon in which Songi had spoke of WAS his pride repeating within his conscious like a broken record. With a new sense of self-confidence he marched onward, standing tall and proud of his heritage, when suddenly the gates shut before him.

His trot was brought to a halt at the ringing sound of the creaking gates scraping against the ground as they shut. He drew in a deep breath, the area about him seeming to slow, his chest rising as he inhaled the cold air. Sapphire orbs motioned about in attempt to scan the area, a glistening light falling from above his only view as an eerie breeze passed over the landscape. The sound of metal against metal once again sounded Zion’s body seeming to blur slightly, his form recapturing its full essence yet his stance completely changed. His legs were now parted, his feet about four feet away from one another, his knees bent to strengthen his stance, and his large arms lifted with a blade made of complete Ice having manifested within his grasp lifted above his head.

Time shifted into regular speed, Sapphire orbs gazing fiercely upward, a second form manifesting above Zion. The figure was cloaked completely in black, though the form was that of a humanoid, its knees bent, and arms stretched diagonally forward and downward grasping onto another blade that had met with Zion’s. Both of them simultaneously jumped backward away from one another, the figure landing in the snow the stare down commencing. “Who are you, and what do want from me?” Zion grunted to the strange figure that stood before him not really expecting an answer.

Just as he had thought, there was no reply, simply the sound of the snow being punctured by the quick steps of the figure as it dashed towards him. He smiled as he watched the strange-cloaked figure rush at him, the tactic of an untrained fool, but to his surprise the figure suddenly vanished into thin air. He was no newbie to the art of fighting though and surely it simply meant that the warrior had jumped into perhaps clarity, a smirk forming upon his face as he burst into mercurial speed, a speed 25 times that of clarity. His eyes widened as he rose his sword gripping it tightly and closely to his chest, the blade pointing upward, a sudden impact occurring due to his enemy spinning in a 360 degree turn and ramming its own blade horizontally into Zion’s.

Zion slid back slightly as they emerged into regular speed, his right cheek suddenly indenting inward, the force sending him flying towards his left. His what seemed lifeless body scraped upon the snowy surface as yet another cloaked figure seemed to emerge from it supernatural speed, landing beside the first. It had been a long time since he felt a hit like that, their speed matching his own, and oddly quite easily at that. He staggered upward into a kneeled position, his eyes rising to face his attackers “You…guys pack quite a punch moving that fast” speaking was a bit difficult as his jaw had been knocked almost out of place “But I’m gonna-“ his words were suddenly interrupted by yet another indentation, his back arching as a third figure rose his elbow from the spot just between his skull and spine Zion’s mouth now open wide, and his eyes twitching slightly.

A large thud followed the intense hit as the large Forgotten’s face plastered itself against the cold surface of the snowy field. The third figure simply stared down on him seeming almost amazed by his determination to stand, Zion ramming his hands into the snow and pushing himself up, midnight blue hair dangling down the sides of his face, and trails of blood flowing from his ears. The other two figures walked over to the third, their positions almost seeming as if a triangle around Zion, the large Forgotten breathing heavily from exhaustion. The first gripped the hilt of its blade tightly and arose it above its head, the tip aimed at the back of Zion’s neck, the other two slid their blades from their sheaths that had been hidden within their cloaks, and followed in the same motion as the first. Zion took in once last breath, it being just enough to allow him to speak “I’ll hunt you till’ the grave you Sons a Bit-“ the hiss of their blades against the wind could be heard for miles as the Forgotten roared in complete pain and agony, it echoing across the slopes of North glacier, the view now seen from above the mountains, and then their was slence…

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We win...09:58:40 01/16/03 Thu

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