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Subject: Who's Rebecca?

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Date Posted: 13:13:39 08/20/01 Mon

Guess nothing is secure on the internet. I didn't click because I didn't want to be on the list.
Last week was a hectic week. I worked 3 days and they had no help at work so it was crazy. Thurs I get acall from Joe at work that I need ro go to So. Md Er because they are taking John there because he hemorrhaging from his leg and he's in a lot of pain. Now why they called Joe and not me at work is another long story. So I left work and went to the ER and found John. He was doing okay. They really should have called his Dr. instead of going to the ER but that's an issue we've been working on (Does the staff know what to do in an emergency?) They say "yes" we say it is questionable at best. He bled from an ulcer on his ankle and as best I could tell he wasn't in alot of pain--he probably was when someone wacked---which is what I suspect happened. So we spent 5 hrs in the ER befor getting released. John went about his daily routine on Friday. Sat. we went to Keri Duley's wedding in Annapolis. She was a beautiful bride and the reception was outdoors on the bay, the food was good aand a good time was had by all. Joe and Allison were invited too. They spent the night here and left early on Sunday to go fetch Morgn from the Parry's. Haley had to go to the wedding because she still won't take a bottle--I guess soon she'll drink from a cup. Joe is leaving Wed for Wisc for the Va game. He has some business in Chicago with Usef Jackson(Jesse Jackson's son) he played football with Joe. He owns a Budweiser distributorship there so I guess Joe will try to extract some money from him for the VSAF. allison and the girls willstay here til Sunday.JIm is at the country today cutting grass and picking vegies. Marty had his knee surgery last Wed. and claims he did fine. Julie says work is hectic--she is traveling all this week. She can't wait for 9/17 when budgets will be done and they leave for the beach in Mexico. If teaching jobs are still needed I heard on the radio today that Va and Md still need about 6000.Hope the ball tournament went well and all the favorite teams won.

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