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Subject: Good weekend

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Date Posted: 14:27:53 08/21/01 Tue

Larry's dream came true this weekend when his team won the MD tournament. Played 6 games on Sun and had to beat the team that beat them twice to win it at 12:30 a.m. Larry even hit a home run and Collin did an exceptional job in both hitting and fielding. Ryan played some but was limited as we didn't want to jeopardize his football season (which starts this Fri vs. CJ-Jim's alma mater.)The older generation on the team were a little sore the next day and everyone was tired but it was worth it. Ryan and Collin started school today and beth starts tomorrow. Monica's in Knoxville. We're adjusting to the new borders-Collin better than Smoky. He either missed his previous residence or he got sick eating mulch around the house. But we're all learning. Hope everyone has a good week and I know Linda/Joe's muscles will be sore from moving kids this weekend. Mary Lee, I still need your kids info for the family spreadsheet. Take care.

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