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Subject: HI

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Date Posted: 08:47:00 09/20/01 Thu

I'm glad everyone made it home safe. Especially Monica. What a trip!! My friend had to take the train from Detroit to Seattle. She was exusted. Pfizer has cancelled all of my travel this month and next. I'm not complaining. I'm not in any hurry to fly back to Newark, but i know i have to get back on the horse...someday.

Chris and I were very devastated last week. We are slowing get back to normal. All of favorite memories were in Manhattan. We spent our 1 year Anniversary at the Windows on the World, which is in the north tower. We also got engaged at a restaurant across from towers, which has also been destroyed. I lost 2 collegues. Chris lost a few friends from High School. On a positive note, I'm glad the world is coming together in prayer. Church was packed on Sunday. It was like Easter.

We are looking forward to our visitors. Mom, Dad, Dave and Diane are all coming in November. My best friend and her husband are planning to make the trip as well.

Still hot here. Last saturday we had a break in the heat and I was able to open my windows. It was great!!

Take Care.


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