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Subject: Time to think Santa

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Date Posted: 10:40:32 09/24/01 Mon

Yes, 98 more shopping days until Christmas so we need to solidify our Christmas party plans. Since Carrie and Chris will be out until 12-25 and the request has been made for the Knapschaefers to host it this year the partying will being with Christmas dinner at 12:15 on December 23rd. There will be games and fun following the meal, including a $15 gift exchange which has become tradition. I will try to be creative and come up with some new games..no promises. I think Sunday worked out best for the Abels athletes and coaches. It would be great if we could lure some of the Hall clan here but since we can't promise sunshine and 70's I guess we can all understand. More details on food will come closer to HO HO day.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. The boys were home for the weekend. Great seeing them. We had to leave Sunday morning for Cincinnati. Kristy and Jeff had gotten tickets for Phantom of the Opra for us and Schmiesings and Jessica, Sheri and two friends. The show was awesome. I would love going more often if it wasn't so expensive. Afterwards we went to Montgomery Inn for dinner. It was a fun day. Before the show we even went down to the Octoberfest in downtown Cincy.
Not much else exciting happening. Relizon, the spinoff of Reynolds did announce the renting of the other Avco New Idea building in Coldwater. That move is to be completed by May of 2002 so then I will be moving back to Celina. I kind of hate that but I have enjoyed my stay here in Coldwater.
Next weekend is parents weekend at Univ of Toledo. Joe and I will be going down for that. We have tickets for the football game on Saturday night.
The Coldwater Cavs football team has been doing great. We thought we would be OK this year but the boys are excelling well beyond what we thought. Congrats to Versailles for beating St Johns. Hopefully we can do that too. That and Versailles will make or break the season. If not it has still been fun watching them so far. Ryan I hope your knee recovers and you're back to 100%.
Well, better get back to work. Joe said he heard from some of the Crownies and they are saying more big layoffs this Friday. Hopefully the Gehret men are safe. All that is going on with our country..I guess maybe none of our jobs are safe or even our lives for that matter.
Everyone take care..look forward to seeing everyone next weekend when Phyllis is out. That is still on right? Are you guys still able to fly out of the other airport..National is closed right? Hopefully everything works out. I can't believe how excited Mom is about this trip. She is like a kid in a candy store. It's great to see her so excited and anxiously awaiting a trip.

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