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Subject: Great weather here, Too

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Date Posted: 13:36:11 10/23/01 Tue

I wish the weather wpould last too. The leaves are falling fast and furiously--faster than jim can mulch them up. He seems to have caught a bug since we returned so he's not going at top speed. We took John to richmond yesterday and the Dr. says he's doing well and thinks he could maintain this health for possibly years. He's done better than they ever expected. So it our job to just keep him this well and happy. Happiness comes easily for John--just keep him clean,fed and busy. It will be our job to convince the group home to do this and stop the abuse he gets from 1 of the other clients--our meeting is Thursday. I have to go back to work Friday which won't be 1 of the highlights of my week. We plan to go to C'ville for Morgan's b'day celebration, Sunday. We haven't seen them since Aug. Marty is still planning to come for Thanksgiving and fly into National airport. Glad to hear Marylee got the rocker. Are we planning on giving her the rocker and the Phoenix trip or just the rocker and flowers? I called SW airlines today and voiced my displeasure about not getting to go to the gate with Mom. They said it would be best to write a letter and we will. I hope that doesn't happen to another elderly person. She sounded better Sunday night than I would have imagined after having to board the plane without my help.I think she plans to get that bump burned off her arm. Keep working on her Kristy--she seems to hear you. Take care everyone.

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