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Subject: TGIF

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Date Posted: 08:19:35 10/26/01 Fri

It sounds like everyone is doing well. Thanks for posting the messages and keep them coming.

Chris and I are doing well. We are looking forward to our 4th Anniversary on Thursday. We are treating ourself to a weekend getaway in Naples. I plan to eat, drink and sun.

Other than work, we continue to spend a lot of time consulting with a fertility specialist. The dr. has been great. I'm happy to report that all the "work-up" tests have been normal. I do a have a small cist, but the dr says it's common. So we continue to investigate and pray!! Fortunately, fertility is covered by Johnson and Johnson. Otherwise, it would be way too costly.

I was in NJ earlier this week. It was sunny and 70. The color and the smell of the leaves and grass were great. I miss seasons.

Ft Lauderdale airport was empty. Things should start to pick up with all the snow-birds rolling in. Newark was a little more crowded. I'm lucky that Pfizer has its own check-in agent in the Continental terminal. I didn't have to stand in line. It was upsetting flying over NYC. At night you can see the bright spotlights and durig the day you can still see dust clouds from workers cutting steel etc.

I can't wait to see Mom and Dad. We have a billion things planned. I hope I can keep with them...

Take care


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