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Subject: Back In the Swing

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 16:26:08 11/13/01 Tue

Yes we are all home everything went very smoothly despite the accident in Queens but it did take awhile in security thank goodness they pulled us up front or we would have missed our flight I know some of the people didn't like it but we were there 2 hours before hand, we had a great time the weather was the best no rain had some Cuban food and Chris cooked us 2 new dishes now as soon as the holidays are over we will begin planning for February. I'd like to see Chris and Joe in a game of golf.
As Ed said when I got home from work didn't take long to get back in the swing of things now is such a busy time for us and they are pinching hours but I'm going to work a half a day tomorrow to make up some of my hours, congradulation to the Cavs we may go see Marion Friday just to see the new Piqua stadium no decision made yet.
Do we have a count on who is coming for Thanksgiving yet,I'd like to know by weeks end so I can start planning Alan and Lee will be here for dinner.
Phyllis did you talk about North Carolina yet I'm just trying to plan ahead.
Well I have to unpack yet and I want to call mom Talk to everyone soon

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