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Date Posted: 06:20:12 11/14/01 Wed

Wow...turkey day fast approaching. Hard to believe. As far as a head count for the Knapschaefers..all I can be sure of is 6. Kristy probably won't know anything untill next week when she starts her ER rotation..so that makes Jeff a question mark also. Amy and the boys haven't told me they are bringing any "friends" even though Kristy and Jessica have been working on Amy. No one is ever sure about bringing anyone to the Abels holidays ( you can relate, right Lee ) I told them we are a very loving family and are just trying to make them feel welcome and part of the group. Anyhow, if I find out anything definite about Kristy and Jeff I try to let you know next week.

How about those CAVS!! After we won I thought for sure we would either be at Northmont again or maybe Troy...seems more centrally located than Welcome Stadium. Oh well, they know us CAV fans will travel anywhere..we've proved that in the past. Hopefully this Badin team is still tired from their 5 overtimes from last week.

Joe leaves for deer hunting this afternoon around 5:00. Hopefully they come home with some deer meat. The boys are craving some summer sausage. He will return on Tuesday evening and the boys will be coming home that evening too. Jessica won't be home till Wednesday evening.

The boys seem to be doing well. Keeping busy with the studies but realizing they need maybe a little job to bring in spending money. This weekend traveling to other colleges to visit friends is robbing their wallets. Jessica is still getting a few subbing jobs and the remainder of her days she works at the daycare. She is lucky she has that to fall back on and that they work around her subbing jobs.

Well, better get going. Everyone have a great week. Glad to hear a good time was had by Gehrets and Lentz. The albinos don't want to hear the "tan" talk. We have been having some great weather here in Ohio though. Hope you guys got my email about grannies results..had some trouble sending it.Take care and see everyone soon.

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