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Subject: Sad to be back in the cold

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Date Posted: 08:11:21 02/09/02 Sat

We had a nice quiet relaxing time in Fla., and the weather was great. It was 80 every day. I swam in the pool and the ocean this year but didn't do any snorkeling. We walked, fished shopped( Jim visited his first flea market and actually enjoyed it) explored other Key islands and state parks, read, took a sunset cruise,and visited with Chris and Carrie. They have a lovely home and have done lots of work on their front flower bed which looks great. It was 80 degrees the entire drive back to Charlottesville. The strawberries we picked in Fla. to share with everyone rotted on the drive back. We celebrated Haley's 1st birthday on the deck it was so warm. Joe went to the superbowl so I stayed with Allison and the girls. She drove me back on Sunday and we watched the game here. I guess Joe had a good time according to Marty and the right team won. I guess it is Mardi Gras parade time now in NO. It is quite cold here and we wish we were back in Fla. Jim says nest year we're staying for Feb. Hope it works. But for now it's back to work, meetings and appts etc. I'm working extra right now because my former employer's nurse quit, so I'm filling in when I can. Joh seemed okay when we returned.
I guess MaryLee and Ed are enjoying the Fla warmth now. I messed up on my math because I told Allison next year would be Mom's 85th Birthday. Guess I'll have to move those thoughts up a year. I made my reservation to come out for Memorial day weekend for graduation.
Yes Kristy, I'd like to hear about your Labor and Delivery stories too. I know you must be really busy because I haven't seen any words from you in a long time. Jessica sounds busy too and I know she must be happy to get a class on a consistant basis.
Guess I have to get my mind ready for Lent this week. Time sure goes quickly
I guess lindsay got her long hair cut but I haven't seen a picture yet. Allison supposedly got hers cut too this week. They are coming to see Disney on Ice next weekend at the MCI center.
Hope everyone is flu free and well.

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