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Subject: Easter party

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Date Posted: 09:07:39 02/11/02 Mon

Hi Everyone.
Phyllis-Glad to hear you and Jim had a great and warm vacation. It is always hard to come back. Our friends go to FL. for 3 months, so by then they are ready to come back. Just wanted everyone to know what's going on with Easter and your mom's b-day. After talking with Linda, we decided to celebrate your mom's b-day on Easter since most of the kids will be home. Larry and I are having it since Mary Lee and Linda had Turkey Day and Christmas. I think Saturday works best. Plan on late afternoon. I'll decide later what kind of food to do. Then for your mom's birthday weekend, we might just do Sunday brunch in Coldwater for the adults and whoever else can make it. Phyllis & Co. - feel free to join us for either/both celebrations. I don't think we're doing any surprises to her this time. (too hard on the heart)
Good news for Monica-she was offered another job at R&R. She found out real quick how hard it is to be off work. She'll be working out of the Chicago area which also includes about 6-8 states in the northern mid-west. It's probably not exactly what she was wanting but with today's economy, you can't say no to money and benefits.
Ryan's team is now 13-5, which is a lot better than we expected. He's doing fairly well, averaging 9 rebounds and points per game. First tournament game is Feb. 23. It'll be tough to get out of the district alive.
Everyone is flu free in the Abels household, which is good also. Have a good week.

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