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Subject: Presents

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 16:08:34 04/24/02 Wed

Hello everyone where has the month gone things here have been good until this week Ed has bronchitis he has been off work for three days I guess he caught the bug from someone.
I bought Mom a new cordless phone got her the stones she wants for around her roses bought another rose bush and ordered her geraniums so you each owe me $31 I told her these were her birthday and Mothers Day I planned on paying for the mulch too but she threw a hissy fit so I let her pay.
2 weeks tomorrow we leave for Carrie's I'll be ready we have inventory next week our district manager is leaving and going to mISSOURI his father has cancer and some other good people have left and it sure can change the work atmosphere.
Lee and Shannon are gradually getting things done for the wedding not fast enough for me but that's me so i let them go hopefully mom and I will be lucky and fine dresses at the mall at Carrie's. Well I'm tired and need to get some other work done talk to you soon.

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