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Subject: Hi

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Date Posted: 07:42:30 04/29/02 Mon

Thanks Marylee for taking care of Mom's Mother Day and Birthday gifts--The check is in the mail!!! really!

We spent the weekend at the country with Joe's family, Gigi Bowes(from Dr. Werner's Office) and allison's grandmother who is 80. I took the women, not the little girls, on the garden tour. We were gone from 10 am to 5:30 pm and really had an enjoyable time looking at 5 grand houses. One was too Victorian and cramed full of all kinds of expensive knick-nacks but the rest we loved. One was very close to our house and I met the owner. I told her we always road our bikes as far as their gate and she told me to come up the lane the next time, so Jim and I plan on doing that. We had lunch at Warner Hall which was great. They have done a wonderful job restoring that mansion too. I saw some very nice corner shower stalls in several house which I wondered if would work in Grandma's bathroom if she took the tub out. If she considered that kind of stall she might even get some extra room to use. I'm sure they aren't cheap, like corner hutches they always cost more. Allison and Gigi gleaned some new decorating ideas from our tour. Joe said Dad wasn't a big help babysitting but Jim said Joe and the girls took a 3 hr nap so I don't think anyone suffered too badly. Morgan helped Jim plant the radishes and onions and beans. What garden would be complete with out the much sought after radish!!!!We all went home Sunday afternoon except for Jim. He supposedly is planting the rest of the garden if it is dry enough. We had a lot of rainSunday. Gigi and I had a good visit on our drive down and back . We miss our weekly visits at our old job. Fortunately we came back early enough to miss the horrible storms we had about 6 pm. a tornado touched down on rte 301 in laplata which Jim will get to view the damage first hand when he comes home tomorrow. 3 people died. We had a lot of rain here too, there must be 3 inches of water in the cooler. We didn't get the baseball sized hail--thank heaven.

I got a note from Marcela saying she and Marty are coming for Xmas which is really exciting for me. She said Marty is looking for a house to rent near his old neighborhood---which makes me think he's not real serious about coming back to Va. He also bought Saint season football tickets. I called him and he said he had to get out of his new neighborhood, too much unusual excitement that he doesn't need to keep his life interesting. You might remember his incident of pulling the body of the bottom of the apartment pool when he first moved in. Sat when he was on the way to buy the paper--he walks to the corner market--people started screaming for help after he heard a tremednous crash, a truck had hit a car and it had flipped upside down into the canal. He could see 5 people already swimming toward the car--he says the water is really yucky--but he decided if it was his family he'd want help so he dove in and helped. the man got out himself but the 3yr child and women were trapped in a car full of water. the 6 people flipped the car over and broke the window and got the women and kid out but the child was unconscious but the paramedics were there by then. He said he never found out if the kid made it or not. marty says he has cuts all over his body from the glass but he's sure they'll heal without a Dr's attention. God bless him for his efforts. Hope Ed is feeling better soon. I know Mom will enjoy her trip to Fla. Joe, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for cutting Mom's grass. Mom told me Collin has a very nice new house. We"ll be in Ft. Wash this weekend--Joe gets inducted into the McNamara hall of fame Sat night which is exciting for all of us even if it is only high school. His efforts and accomplishments are finally being recognized by the community. Well it seems I've run on for long enough. Have a good week everyone.

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