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Subject: Weekend

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Date Posted: 15:18:51 05/21/02 Tue

Yes I plan on coming up to Mom"s on Sat and taking her and I guess Barb's Mom up to Larry's on Sunday. And I can bring them home too.

Things are wild here, our neighbor died, gets buried Friday, so I won't be working at Kaiser that day because they need help with the luncheon that the neighbors are to provide unless they find a caterer.

John hasn't been doing well since his house fire. Lots of edema in his legs and shorness of breath. He's gained 13 lbs and I think it's all fluid. I've been talking to his heart Dr. in Richmond. He said he was going to try more meds before asking us to bring him in. I hope he had better luck with reaching the nurse for his house than I have had.

Looking forward to a nice weekend--I think I'll still bring warm clothes.

I also notice Mom getting more forgetful, just talking to her on the phone. I too have her hip problem and I'll be amazed if her Dr. does anything for her.

Talk to you all soon, hopefully

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