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Subject: good news from Coldwater

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Date Posted: 05:40:03 06/06/02 Thu

Well, it's been a long 9 weeks as far as the ups and downs of job hunting, but it has come to an end..unless he fails his drug test !!! Joe will start with Crown on June 17th in National Accounts. It is a little different job than he had but will be working with a lot of the same contacts he had when he worked there previously. We've been through all types of possibilities the last few months. Some with the possibilities of great fortune, some with more freedom, some with great people but small incomes. They all had good things to bring to the table but Joe decided on Crown, hopefully for stability, good group of people, and better opportunities. His boss is still Jim Moran, who he worked for previously. His only real regret is the loss of vacation time. We were hoping to get his time reinstated from his last employment there..but they nixed that so he has to start over at one week. Guess I'll take my time off for home improvements...or look out kids...I'll be coming to spend time with you !!!! Anyway, we're happy. I've grown to like having him home when I get home from work..we walk (he has lost 20lbs since he has been off, which is great!) and then have supper..guess that schedule will change.

Hope everyones families are good. Phyllis, hoping to hear news about John. I know you were suppose to hearing from his doctor. Hope John Laulis gets good news soon too.
Carrie and Chris..are you guys still planning on being out for the 4th? Hard to believe we are into June already. Boys have been home for a month already. They are thoroughly enjoying their job at the egg processing plant. Actually, they haven't complained except for Saturday mornings after late Friday nights (they work Tuesday thru Saturday). Well, better get going...hope everyone has a good weekend..and Happy Fathers Day to all you DADS out there the following week.

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