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Date Posted: 09:06:23 10/08/02 Tue

Time is suppose to slow down, I thought, once all the kids are on their own. Boy, is that wrong. The weeks just fly. It's either weddings, get togethers, or visiting our kids, all of which we totally enjoy. Wedding plans are progressing nicely, I think. Not really sure what the schedule is but I think the girls are doing well. Amy, Kristy and I went table decoration shopping on Sunday. I think they have all the main things lined up. Dresses are picked out..I even have mine selected...unless I come across something I like better from now till then.
Jesscia had a best friend get engaged this weekend so now she has three weddings to be in next year.

All is well with eveyone's jobs. School is going well for Kevin and Kent. They are enjoying living in the apartment much better than the dorm. We were up there a couple weeks ago for a visit and the apartment was in great shape. I guess they picked up a few good habits. They sound like they are cooking quite a bit too.

I am hoping to make it to Marty and Marcella's wedding. Not sure about Joe yet, since he has no vacation time. I better take Carrie up on her advise about checking into flights. I would have never thought about spring break.

Well, better get back to work. Thought I'd better check in since it had been awhile. Looking forward to Carrie's baby shower this weekend. I think all the girls and I will make it. I haven't been to a baby shower in forever. Hope you have a pleasant flight, Carrie. Glad also to hear you have been spared all the hurricane activity. Hope Marty is fairing as well as you.

Take care, everyone.

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