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Subject: Greetings from Md

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Date Posted: 09:34:02 11/06/02 Wed

Just a quick note to say we're still around and well. I've been working a lot plus we've had a lot issues with John's care to monitor but that will probably never change. They finally caught the sniper so I feel I can once again get gas anywhere. Halloween has come and gone with only a few trick or treaters. The clients at the ARC where John works got a REALLY BIG bag of candy to enjoy this year. I always buy extra for them so they made out like bandits. I just finally switched my clothes from summer to winter today Kohl's has a big sale and sr Citizens day today so I'm trying to convince myself I need to go and get some bargains and spruce up my winter wardrobe. Jim went to the country, won't be back til Friday. I leave Sat for Phoenix. Hope all will go well with the flights and Mom's travel. I'm having issues re checking my luggage thru to Phoenix but somehow I figure it will all work out ok. We made our reservations on SW for Fla for the wedding. If you have frequent flier tickets there doesn't seem to a black out time. I'm keeping my eye open for cheap tickets for march and May to Columbus or Indianapolis. Hope the elections results went your way. We have a Republican Governor for the 1st time in many, many years.
See some of you soon in Columbus!

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