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Subject: A sunny Monday

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Date Posted: 14:05:31 06/04/01 Mon

Well we got most of our gardening and mulching chores done at the country. Took some time out to fish. I wasn't impressed with the size of the croakers but we caught a fair amount. I pulled in a 19 inch flounder which was our fis story of the week. Jim cleaned it and we ate it. I filleted it, it really was enough for 2 meals. We had a tire blow out on the way down. Neither of us has changed a tire in years. Fortunately some husky women stopped and helped us get the lug nuts loose. Needless to say we had to go out and buy a new tire. Fortunately my car has a real tire as a spare.
I picked strawberries thurs eve. They weren't too plentiful, about the end of the season here, and they weren't especially sweet and the pain in my thighs nearly did me in on Friday. Of course I'd picked spinach, lettuce, radishes and beets earlier on Thurs, so it wasn't all the fault of the strawberries. I worked for Dr Kane on Friday and Sat we brought John home. He was pleased to listen to the BeeGees concert on Tv. Mr frazier found him a used TV with knobs(instead of a remote) so we took that over for him on Sunday. He likes to listen to talk shows and he knows when they are on.
Today was chore day, errand day , and dentist day all of which are more fun than the rest of the week at Kaiser.
I bought myself a pedometer because I read in the post we need to make 10,000 steps a day. In my 40 min walk I only made 5043 steps. I shouldn't be sitting at the computer with all the steps I have left to make.
I got my pictures back and MaryLee's family pictures look good. Ther is a really funny one of Morgan practically choking a kitty.Hope the graduates are homesafe, we're remembering you, Kristy( Out of space!!!!)

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