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Subject: Another Fun Week

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 17:29:12 06/04/01 Mon

I don't know why but everybody's week sounds better than mine except for Kristy I don't know if I can still study read for enjoymeny sveral hours yes but that's it. I'm spending to many hours at Wal-Mart that must be it 6 days a week is not my bag, Carrie had a fun day at the beach she saud the water was so warm the air isn't warm here least the water I ran my furnace Sat. and Sunday
. I'm glad the picturesa came out do you use just 35mn film or to you use advantix all the time, my garden is looking good also my beans are growing big time I hate to see how far along they would be if it was warm.
Kristy I will be thinking and praying for you on Tuesday and Wednesday but I'm sure you will do us all proud.
Congrad Jess on the job for the summer I hope we will be hearing from you soon.
Well its going on 9 oclock and it will be my bedtime soon. talk to you later

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