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Date Posted: 09:26:04 06/13/01 Wed

Everyone must be busy...no messages this week so far. I know the Abels' are vacationing, but where is everyone else. I am assuming MaryLee is getting ready for the big grand opening. Things here are calmer. The boys are still trying to find more permanent summer employment. They are continuing to work for the nursery guy on Saturdays but they are hoping for something else during the week. Amy has secured a job at Ft Recovery in the fall. They combined the part time gifted with reading intervention(helping those with reading problems) and also an hour and a half each day with I believe 1st and 2nd grade MH so they could offer her a full time position. She felt pretty good that they wanted her in their school system enough to do that combination. She figures the foot in the door will open something up for the following year. So we have her taken care of now we just need things to start happening for Jessica. She started her Daycare job last week. She likes it real well so far. Kristy is back at it for her last quarter at OU.

Joe and I had a great time in Memphis. Fed Express really knows how to put on a spread. We had all the food and drink you could imagine. Friday night we went down to Beale St to enjoy the blues music. They close down the street and you can just walk around and listen to music and enjoy the atmosphere. We went to BB Kings blues bar and ate and listened to the music. Saturday we went to the St Jude golf tournament all day. In the evening FX put on a dinner and dance that was great. But now it's back to the real world. Hope everyone's week is going great. Monday I actually convinced Mom to get a new lawn mower. After mowing it last week I told her I refused to mow anymore with that old lawnmower. It no longer is self propelled..it has turned into a push mower. So we picked out a new Lawnboy..real similar to the one she had. If she continues to think she wants to mow there is no way she should do it with that old mower..she will have a heart attack. So I made her spend a little of her moldy money and get a new one so she can continue to do her front yard since she thinks that makes her useful. Well, got to go. Hope everyone has a good week.

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