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Subject: Hot and Humid in D.C.

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Date Posted: 13:32:42 06/13/01 Wed

I don't know where the time goes, only alittle over a week til we head out to Nagshead. If it is a swarm in Ohio as it is here, the Abels family should be haing a good vacation. Of course I Guess "Allison" will dump rain on us Thurs and Fri. Haven't heard from Marty but it looked like she really gve No and Houston a boatload of rain. Jim has bee cutting lawns like crazy with all the rain and heat. Tomorrow he goes back to cut the country grass if the rain doesn't beat him there, that is. He's trying to plan his cuttings to co-incide with the Baptism and vacation. Wants the place looking good. He says there should be squash and beans ready. Hope he picks them because I have to work at Kaiser. Picking is not one of his favorite thing to do with the garden.
Glad the Knaps enjoyed Memphis. Marty always said Memphis was a neat place.
Good luck to Amy at her new job. Im sure Jessica will find one soon too.
Not much new here. I finally bought a cell phone for us which actually works at our house, now if it will work at the country, it will be agood move. Jim has been looking for a different car but he says he is in no hurry.
Glad Mom got her new lawnmower. She'll be on her way here next week this time. I'm trying to tie up loose ends for the baptism and then start to pack for the ocean.

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