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Subject: Weekend and Week Ahead

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 18:29:39 07/01/01 Sun

Hello everyone well I think things are getting back to normal somewhat at least I had Wednesday off and spent it with the girls. We had a nice weekend Ed talked me into going to the races at Lima on Friday night, Saturday we cleaned and the I went to Hickory Hills and bought Carrie and my ticket to see the Beach Boys nect Saturday then we had a 4th of july party with some of the neighbors today we had card club and went out to eat now its back to work.
Linda if the girls are home on Friday evening and you want to go to Buffalo Jacks that works for us and Lee Alan thought it would be all right so just let me know if not no big thing. I can't believe how much it has cooled off I was actually chilly when I got home before, I called to talk to mom on Thursday but she was out to dinner with Jim and Phyllis, there hasn't been much happening on this board latewly if everybody on vacation. Talk to you soon

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