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Subject: Flight Info

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Date Posted: 09:13:50 07/04/01 Wed

Grandma will be returning to Dayton via USAIR Express flight#5862 on 7/9/01 leaving Wash. at 12:25 pm, arriving Dayton 2:05 pm Weather Permitting.

We had a great week at Hatteras Island (Avon). Much more family orientated and quieter than Nags Head. Plenty of good restaurants, movie theaters, 1 grocery store, golf course, mini golf, ice cream stores etc. Just can't walk to most things. The house was terrific, clean and had about every appliance you could use. It had a steep dune to the beach which was hard on us older folks. Grandma got sun burned her first day so between the burn and the dune she didn't spend much time on the beach. We usually only went for 2 hrs at a time. Morgan got bored after that. Grandma and Haley got to know each other because most days it was too hot for her . We took them to the pool. All waters were very comfortable and we had no rain. Marty took us all out for a very nice dinner for my B'day. we went 2 other times and Joe cooked ribs and steaks on 2 different nights. Not many desserts were had because the Hall's don't make them and Grandma forgot her cookies. we played cards seveal nights, golf and rummy. Joe and Allison usually won.

The baptism came off smoothly. The priest was really great with the girls. He really drowned Haley but she didn't cry once. They did it right after the sermon during the mass. He did the final blessing and Morgan piped up "time to go" brought down the entire congregation. He didn't join us for the party afterwards.

We checked out the B&B at Warner Hall which is where the Parry's stayed. Pretty elegant.

We returned to Gloucester on Sunday to find MANY ballbat zucchin, yellow squash and beets. Tomatoes will be ripening soon. Cut the grass and came back to Ft. wash on Mon. to cut grass here. Grandma is busy baking zucchini breads and cakes. John is home for the holiday. Tomorrow I go back to Kaiser, so Grandma will be home alone to rest and watch tv. I gave her Linda's message re; Bob dying and I think she'll be staying here til Mon. so she'll miss the funeral. She said she had gone to see him before she came to our house.

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