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Subject: Knee deep in vegetables

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Date Posted: 09:33:29 07/23/01 Mon

Wished some one was closer so we could share the abundance. Joe and Allison got some tomatoes and squash and the neighbors got plenty of everything else. The Joe Hall family was here since Thurs night so we ate fresh veg non stop and the refrig is finally empty but Jim went back to the country today. We had a nice time with the girls. Joe had a wedding in Annapolis. They took Haley with them and Morgan stayed with us. John was home for the weekend too. So I'm busy catching up on the daily household chores and paying bills etc. before I go back to work tomorrow.
I made my reservations to come to Ohio Oct 5 to go to my 40th nusrsing class reunion on Oct 6. I'll leave Columbus on Mon the 8th to join Jim in Arizona. Allison and the girls are considering going with us. Joe is busy with football season.
I have some sad news which I have not shared with Grandma yet. Marty and Susan are getting a divorce. I don't know many details. Marty has apparently moved out and I have no phone or address for him. All the Hall's are distressed but if Marty isn't happy then it's good he's doing it before kids are involved. We're praying for both of them.
We have had 2 gorgeous weekends weather wise. Last weekend we didn't even have mosquitos, which has to be almost a miracle. I froze corn last weekend , I guess when Jim returns it will be time to can tomatoes. Peaches are ready at the orchard but we just pick and eat, no canning. The summer is flying by for us, can't believe Aug is around the corner.

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