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Subject: Sweating away

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Date Posted: 18:26:03 07/23/01 Mon

Last year this time I was in Florida and it was this hot and Humid this year its Ohio Carrie thinks it may be hotter here then there she is in Lancaster,Pa and she said it is hotter ther than home, I had a busy weef last week my helper was on vacation so I had to work 5 10 hour days which is not for me I watched the girls 2 nights when they played ball they are growing way to fast Erica told me today only 5 weeks till school starts and she is picking out out fits in the Pennys catalog Anna is getting more fiesty everyday she likes for things to go her way but the she is the best girl, we had are annual party in the woods on Saturday night celebrating Ed's mom and Alan's birthday
ed brother was the oldest at 78 and the youngest great grandchild was 9 days old we had a little rain but it turned out to be a great evening a great time was had by all Lee took Shannon and Derek and introduced them around. Mom came over Sunday and we went to the nursing home in Minster then I took her to the new Wal-Mart whuch she saud was too big we got some chicken and a pie and came home to air conition house. Tomorrow night one of the ladies Ed plays music is having a birthday so we are having a party this weekend we hope to go camping to Swiss Days in Berne Indiana, good luck Kristy and jESSIE ON YOUR APARTMENTs and our prayers are with Marty Well its time to get ready for bed that 5AM rolls around pretty fast

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