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Date Posted: 08:54:18 05/18/05 Wed
Author: Colin
Subject: "I have an interview tomorrow... You may too." He called out after her, on his way into the kitchen to get himself atleast a drink. He wasn't surprised, and was actually glad that she had quit her job. Her coming home every night miserable and complaining was getting tiring for even him, and the sooner that she was out of there, the better in his opinion.
In reply to: Colin 's message, "

I believe I can see the future
Because I repeat the same routine
on 07:56:51 05/18/05 Wed

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  • She cocked a brow as she put the body wash on her tired form before she heard his words. Her head peeked out of the shower curtain as she called out. "I am going to make dinner when I am out of here." So maybe tonight wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would. She made quick work of washing her hair and washing off the soap before she slipped into a satiny black nighty with a black satin robe tied over it - she loved the feel of the material, made her feel like she was pampering herself - before heading into the living room. Spotting him on the couch, she straddled him, balancing on her knee's as she looked down, pressing a warm kiss to his lips, her body still warm and slightly damp from the shower. "Even though you weren't all Mr. Comforting, thank you for putting up with me the past couple weeks." (NT) -- Lexi, 08:58:23 05/18/05 Wed

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