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Date Posted: 11:39:04 05/18/05 Wed
Author: Colin
Subject: He smiled reassuringly and then laughed softly, fingers kneading up her back and then back down to cup her hips. "I'm actually not too hungry right yet... Let me think on it." He felt the same as her though - he could never get close enough to her, never get enough of her. He was completely in love and, despite their occasional arguments, was simply happier than he had ever been in his life.
In reply to: Colin 's message, "

I believe I can see the future
Because I repeat the same routine
on 07:56:51 05/18/05 Wed

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  • She smiled a touch, nodding. "Anything you want." Her words were repeated before her brow furrowed as the door bell rang. "Who could that be..." She murmured as she stood, tying the belt around the robe though it still didn't do much since both the robe and the nightie barely fell to midthigh. Casting a glance over her shoulder at Colin, she looked through the peephole and then sighed dramatically before opening the door. "Hey Mom." She greeted the bustling red head as she came in. // Bailey smiled, rolling her eyes in return. "Your father says hello, Lexi and that you should come over soon, he wanted me to drop off these..." she handed her daughter the file of different agencies and positions opening up - Shaun still had his connections. Her brow raised slowly as she took in her daughters apperal before she looked to Colin, addressing her question to him. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" (NT) -- Lexi/Bailey, 11:43:35 05/18/05 Wed

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