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Subject: Re: Remember Julie Cooper??

Saucy Roy
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Date Posted: 10:51:51 08/06/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
In reply to: doug 's message, "Re: Remember Julie Cooper??" on 20:55:45 08/05/04 Thu

Doubt you'll have much luck calling me Douglas, our lad Dudley never comes out of his room or goes off the the damned internet, i only manage to have a peek here when he's on he shitter. I wouldn't mind so much but he's 22, and his room's got posters of wrestlers all over it, and not proper wrestlers like Big Daddy mind, but these greased up yank ponces who couldnt show you a half nelson if their lives depended on it.

Im afraid i had to give up the variety circuit many years ago because of a nasty case of reoccuring conjunctivitus that left me with floppy eyelids.. If i even go near blackpool i come out in a rather nasty rash, and there's no cream in the world that help me.

After handing in my microphone and selling my joke books to Jim Bowen (his cheque bounced twice, the twat) i got into he catering business with me pal Rodney from down the legion (i never was in the services but the ale's dead cheap down there). We have now got four mobile burger vans, one on the M40 near darlington, one on the A45 near sidcup. The other two we take to football matches and alike. the van always stinks of piss aftwards, but we make a nice sideline touting tickets and hiding them from the filth in the baps.

Funnily enough i ran into little Mickey Monk a few years back, he was still pretty down about ITV's plan to make him the next Tarbie going pear shaped when he was caught with rogering the head of light entertaintment's wife. shame.....

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