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Date Posted: 09:45:26 08/19/04 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Some things I found interesting last week....

In the last days, I found three or four very interesting articles in the German SPIEGEL magazine (the most important news magazine here). I will give you links to machine translations.

On Climate Change, particularly in Europe.

I fully agree with Tony's opinion that 1) this is reality and 2) caused by man and 3) one of the most serious challenges for us today.

Tony, you probably read about the landslides debris in Scotland.

Another interesting article in teh SPIEGEL was this one about a famos German anthropologist at the university of Frankfurt. I turned out that he was a swindler in many areas. Particularly his dating of sceletons with the C14 method turned out to be completely wrong. He attested sceletons an age of 30000 years which were only a few hundred years old. I am not a fundamentalistic creationalist, but I have my problems with evolution theory which is accompanied by so many fakes and humbuggery (see here). I still remember the last case of Archaeoraptor faked fossil. It is also interesting how quickly museums and even renowned organizations like the National Geographic Society publish such things without double checking, just because they fit into their theories so well. A museum in Hamburg claimed that their exhibition showed a stone-age Hamburger (I am talking about an inhabitant of Hamburg, not a sandwich with meat). In reality, the showed the bones of a man who died only a few hundred years ago.

Another recent Spiegel article is claiming that the cave of John the Baptist has been found.

(Both of the above links might give the impression that the Spiegel is a Christian magazine. The contrary is the case, it is very anti-christian. Its founder, Mr. Augstein was a declared atheist and used the Spiegel as a platform to support his anti-christian views and evolution theory).

Yet another very interesting article: scientiscts succeed in "beaming" particles across the river Donau. This is not a joke. The experiment has something to with the EPR paradoxon. You have to know that I studied Physics, so I these kind of things are very interesting for me, too.

Sorry, I have only those bad German machine translations.

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