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Date Posted: 07:12:15 08/10/04 Tue
Author: Tony Lang
Subject: My Self

As I said on the main web-site, I found things becoming a bit impersonal which was not suprising as the internet is an impersonal means of communication, that requires a certain amount of skill for effective communication.
Yet it is fast becoming thee most important means of communication, one that the church will have to utilize for effective mass evangelization. I think it is time to try and make it a bit more personal, I will talk a bit about myself. If we know something about each other it will make communication a bit easier on the main website.

I am an older person who likes to think that he is 29 though I have been 29 for a long time. Left school with no qualifications what so ever at the earlist possible school leaving age. I wanted to continue my education, because it was interupted for 10 years while I went to school.
I came into the church a few years after leaving school.
I prefer to use that expression as I dislike words like saved, converted, etc, I think that they sound a bit artificial, a sort of Macdonaldification of christianity.
Anyway I began to notice that the people who mostly used these terms were usually the first to drop out. Well I lasted about 10 years. I was heavily involved in the local evangelical church of England, then I got bored, largely because I felt I was not encouraged to think, so I drifted off. Got involved in a lot of social issues.
Lost my shoe factory job in 1992, but with the help of economics classes taken at night school I had the qualifications to go to University.
Studied sociology at the university of central Lancashire, which included a six month scholarship to the university of Oporto in Portugal. I started to come back to christianity by my contact with the Portugues Catholic Church due to a wonderful pilgrimage from Porto to Santiago de Compostella in Northern Spain. Graduating from University in 1995 I worked in Macdonalds for nearly a year till I got my first teaching job in Diyarbakir in South Eastern Turkey teaching English to Kurds, I stayed there 2 years before moving to Gaziantep also in S.E. Turkey, was there for a year before the political situation forced me to return to Britain. It was in Turkey that I came into contact with the underground church.
Four months in Britain humping furniture around the country for Pickfords removals, then I got a job in Korea.
This is where I met UBF, I was with them for 2 years before the big split occured when my chapter became part of CMI.
This was a very emotional time for all. I had another two with CMI so I have seen both sides. After 4 years in Korea including the World Soccer cup I returned to England.
Stayed there with my wife for over a year working for Walmart, before I got a teaching job in the peaceful country of Saudi Arabia. So that is a brief outline about me. Dont want to say too much otherwise people will have no questions. But I have been around a bit, and I have seen a lot of life. Go with God Tony

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