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Date Posted: 08:57:08 09/04/04 Sat
Author: annebelle
Subject: Re: War like "1984"
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "War like "1984"" on 08:33:14 09/04/04 Sat

Frankly I felt very bad yesterday. i could not sleep much in the night a s I spent all the time glued to the CNN and BBC, and the power of death was all around .Too bad, and lets realise we are living in a barbarian world.
I cant think of such things happening to anyone as I have 2 kids in the agegroup and it gives me nightmares.
Who soever has planned it, financed it, and done it, - spoiled the cause whatever.The punishment should be made by internatioal law for anyone who invoke people to commit suicide for whatever cause.Imagine those hostagetakers were brainwashed to believe,
If they were killed,in the process of killing innocent kids, they will go to paradise and will geta virgin to play with,/font> What creatures,and what religion, I despise!
Lets pray, good sense prevail.
I am expecting some real strong handed action from putin.( I hope, what mike said is not the case)
>The situation was resolved, but much innocent blood
>was spilled.
>According to what the media here report, it appears
>that the entire thing could only escalate because of
>powerplays among two kinds of Russian Secret service.
>It's a bizarre reminder of the "war" going on in
>George Orwell's "1984": the government could stop the
>attacks, but they don't want to because a population
>in fear of continual attacks is easier to control.
>Sacrifice a few to control the masses.
>I don't want to speculate too much, but when the
>Secret Services could have stopped everything but
>didn't and risk more than a thousand lives, only to
>display who's the boss - it's sickening.
>Well, we know from the Bible that as long as there's
>not the Eternal Reign of the Lord, there will always
>be calamities, but praise be to the Lord that whatever
>happens, He will gain His goal.
>Another display that everything is in God's hand
>despite man's actions, not because of man's actions.
>We can pray for peace, and we can pray for the
>families of the victims. But only God can heal the
>wounds. Many have died, more have suffered. All this
>can never be undone by any man.

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