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Date Posted: 10:41:08 01/21/09 Wed
Author: EJetson
Subject: Re: Is everyone taking the day off tomorrow?
In reply to: Deep Diction 's message, "Re: Is everyone taking the day off tomorrow?" on 07:20:47 01/21/09 Wed

>>>I was in Barnes & Noble yesterday. I guess I
>>>have been shocked at the proliferation of BO spoor
>>>everywhere, but seriously...it was everywhere.
>>>I think it's a measure of how desparate people are.
>>>They think we need a savior. I'm not saying we don't
>>>need help, but the whole Messiah spin is a dangerous
>>I feel sorry for the guy. He's being put on such an
>>incredibly high pedestal that there is no way he can
>>come close to meeting those expectations.
>>It's like people expect that by Wednesday morning, all
>>of our troubles will be fixed.
>I don't understand the "unrealistic expectations"
>argument. He's inheriting the worst post-WWII economy
>and we're in two wars. Anything bad that happens over
>the next few years will be attributed to Bush, and
>anything good will be attributed to Obama. If he pulls
>us out of Iraq and the economy improves even a little
>bit, he'll cruise to re-election.

The media, and thus the uneducated majority, are putting him on a pedestal so high that he has to have a flashing red light on his head so planes won't run into him.

By many accounts, he was going to solve the economic problems, get us out of Iraq with a stable democracy in place, fix health care, and fix pretty much anything else that was wrong by now. He's had 24 hours.

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