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Date Posted: 17:35:55 09/19/05 Mon
Author: Michelle Esposito
Subject: The Click, Stalls and Rules

I can't believe what I am reading! I don't know who any of you guys are but stop & think about what you all have written. The stalls,did you expect to get them free?Why should they be free? Don't you know how lucky you were to even get to go to that wonderful arena? You should be happy to pay for stalls.Actually you should be happy if you had stalls because not everyone had them.

The click, have been in this Association for 4 years. I can tell you that I know nearly all the kids from FJRA except the new Rookies we have this yr. You will not find a better bunch of kids anywhere in any Association in any State. Maybe you all that feel there is a click need to try to meet the others. If you feel left out come to me and I will introduce you to some really wonderful kids. If you feel left out come to our trailer we will find you something to do. One way to get to know people is to help in the arena. Try that at the next show.

The Judging, if you have a question on the rules you need to see one of the Directors and get your answer. I am sure they will be glad to tell you how it all works.

I think I can speak for the Parents of FJRA and tell you all that we are so glad to have all of the new kids. It takes times getting to know everyone but we want to and we are glad you are there. We hope everyone has a great Rodeo Yr with us. The Officers & Directors of FJRA are doing their best to hold fast, fair and great Rodeos and I feel they have done that with the last 2 shows. Lets all have a great year and stay in the positive mode especially on this message board.

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