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Date Posted: 21:50:46 02/26/05 Sat
Author: Jordalyn
Subject: "Back here" she called from her room, where she was settled in the floor huddled beneath a blanket. Her hair was pulled back in a sloppy bun held in place by a group of pencils. Around her on the floor was a mess of text books and charts and notebooks, sprinkled with balls of crumpled paper. She was getting closer and closer to her due date, and it was scaring her to death. Visions of her own childhood played brightly through her memory, making her nervous for the future of her own child. Her biggest fear was turning into her own mother, doing to this child what was done to her.
In reply to: Gavin 's message, "Days go by..." on 21:44:34 02/26/05 Sat

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  • He padded into the back room, his brow arching as he saw her though he had long ago ceased becoming surprised by her bizarre behavior. "Whatcha doing?" He questioned, sinking down on the floor across from where she was sitting, mirroring her position by folding up his legs under him in 'indian' style. He had been in school all day but was more then ready to just relax and kick it. (NT) -- Gavin, 21:59:50 02/26/05 Sat
  • she sighed and pushed a lock of hair from her face. Forgetting her glasses were perched on her nose, she tried to rub her eyes, huffing when she realized her mistake and tossed her glasses to the floor beside her "Working" she said lightly, glancing up from the chart that was set up in front of her "Home early?" (NT) -- Jordalyn, 22:07:07 02/26/05 Sat

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