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Subject: Rubber Soul 1965

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Date Posted: 04:26:05 11/25/04 Thu

For the first time a pop lp was concieved as not just a bunch of songs scrambled onto a disc, but a collection of streams of consciousness connected into a coherant body of work. An opus, if you will. "Rubber Soul" confounded and profounded critics, musicians and fans as well. There is a little something for every taste here without being pretentious.
Not liking the overall sound of "Norwegian Wood", John asked George to try out that sitar George had been attempting to master. Thus history is made.
With "The Word" John expresses 'love' in universal terms giving rise to 'flower power' in the mainstream.
Paul reverts to a song they played with more as a joke nearly two years earlier in Paris. Oddly enough, "Michelle" has been loved for the next 40 years.
Within the eerie "Girl" the Beatles utilize their guitars to mimic a balalika giving it a Russian or gypsy appeal.
The beautiful "In My Life" is given a Boroque flavor by playing piano in the 18th century German style at a slower speed, then sped up to normal to give the illusion of harpsichord.
Not entirely departing from their moptop image "You Wont See Me", "Wait" and "Run For Your Life" appeal to the pubescent fan not ready to give up her suburban dream.

C-5 A-4 G-6 A-4

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