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Subject: The CAGA(c) Album Rating System.

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Date Posted: 10:31:23 11/23/04 Tue

I was born at the tail end of the singles era and reached my thirties when compact discs had taken over, with extended time and random mode rendering sequencing and continuity meaningless. The human ear and mind can not concentrate or comprehend for a total of more than 45 minutes, 50 tops. The brain also demands a break, even if only momentarily, in the middle. Thus, the vynal album is perfection. This perfect art has for the most part been lost on compact disc.

Not that I condone the use of drugs, but have you ever noticed how some albums sound better on one drug than another? For this purpose I have come up with the copyrighted CAGA Album Rating System.
C=coffee, which means you can just clear your head, relax and enjoy. A=alcohol, or other mild depressants or barbituates. G=grass, marijauna or hashish. A=acid, LSD or other hallucinagens. A number from 1-5 will appear after the letter, 5 being most recomended. If a 6 appears that means its optimum purpose.
for instance:
"Her Satanic Majesties Request", Rolling Stones: C-1, A-2, G-5, A-5. This means that this album is alright for listening to without a drug, slightly more enjoyable after a few drinks, but ideal after smoking marijuana or like substance or at the peak of an acid trip.

When listening to an album, one must darken the room. Candles or incense have a very nice effect. One must clear ones head of outside annoyances. I prefer headphones but some people feel too restricted and confined. I always have a huge travel mug of hot coffee within arms reach. recline or lay down, get comfy, close eyes and press "play". Allow a few seconds to reflect once the album is over.

In the coming days or weeks I will attempt to review all Beatles albums and I envite you to do the same.

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Re: The CAGA(c) Album Rating System.Anonymous14:01:22 11/28/04 Sun
Re: The CAGA(c) Album Rating System.M-Bear11:17:52 12/08/04 Wed

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