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Date Posted: 15:49:24 01/05/05 Wed
Author: Kurt Shaffer
Subject: Re: Old Yeller
In reply to: Mark Moruzzi 's message, "Old Yeller" on 14:42:53 01/05/05 Wed

>The book "Old Yeller" is by Fred Gipson. It was a good book about man's best friend. Old Yeller, a yellow lab dog, was a hero many times in the book. He lived with a family in a log cabin on Birdsong Creek in the Texas hill country sometime in the late 1800s. They had a hard life working around the farm and the father traveled a lot hearding cow throughout Texas. So,Old Yeller was left to protect the farm and the family from wild animals and horse theives. He was the best friend to a young boy named Travis. He would hunt, fish and take care of him. They were best friends. The sad part was at the end when after Old Yeller rescued Travis' mother and sister from a rabid wolf that bit Old Yeller. Travis had to shoot the dog to prevent him from passing rabies along to the humans because there were no rabies shots back then. It took a long time for Travis to get over losing his best friend.

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