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Date Posted: 16:48:30 01/05/05 Wed
Author: Rachel
Subject: Correct !!!! "Witch of Blackbird Pond"

"The Witch of Blackbird Pond" was a really good book that I greatly enjoyed reading. Last year when we were studying New England history, I wish we had read this book because I learned a lot about Connecticut in the 1800's. This book was about discrimination and acceptance. The main character, Kit, is a girl recently arrived in Connecticut from Barbados, located in the Caribean. Her relatives had all died except for her Aunt Rachel, (her mother's sister) which is why she must go to Connecticut to live with her only kinsmen.
In Barbados they are loyal to King James, so when moving into a very strong "patriot" household (against King James)there is already political friction before becoming a full-blown argument.
Also, the styles of Barbados (Kit was very wealthy)is what Aunt Rachel's husband Matthew called 'flippant and arrogant!'
Also, whilst the Englishmen in Connecticut came for religious freedom, when Kit befriends an outcast Quaker, the villagers are outraged. The Quaker is a sweet old lady but she is pre-judged simply because she was a quaker, with a threat of being hanged!
The book is about romance and religious acceptance--------a fairly easy read despite Olde-English style, and I highly recomend it for not only pleasure, but actual historical knowledge.

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