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Date Posted: 06:37:13 10/05/04 Tue
Author: Eric 2-3
Subject: Harriet the Spy

When I first picked up Harriet the Spy, I thought that it would be a dumb, boring, girly-girl kind of story. But I was wrong! Harriet the Spy is about a girl in the 5th grade who writes in a journal. After school each day Harriet goes to the neighbor's houses spying on thier everyday lives. First she goes to Mrs. Plumbers' house, a lady who sits in bed all day in her private mansion. Then Harriet goes to the De'Santi's sub shob to spy on the enormous family issues going on with thier many children. Harriet also goes to Harrison Withers' house to watch him at work making bird cages and looking after his many cats. But Harriet also writes about her friends in her journal. "Sometimes I can't stand Sport. With his worrying all the time and fussing over his father, sometimes he's like an old woman." This was one of the entries about Sport, a boy in Harriets' grade and good friends with Harriet. Another friend of Harriets' is Janie. Janie wants to be a scientist when she gets older and is continually trying to make something with her lab that will blow up the world. But later in the book Harriets' friends find her journal and read what nasty things Harriet wrote about them. She soon looses all her friends and learns that she should never treat her friend's
with disrespect and she would not wanted to be treated the same way. Personally, I liked Harriet the Spy. It's quite funny to read about Harriet going on her spy route and her many issues between her parents and her nanny, Ole Golly.
My Rating:****

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