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Date Posted: 06:38:22 10/05/04 Tue
Author: Jocelyn 2,3
Subject: meatball finkelstein

rating : **** 152 pages
This was an okay book. I think this because it was kind of unrealistic. It was hard to get into, but it got better when I got into it. The book was about a boy named meatball finkelstein, and i know what your thinking. It actually says "meatball finklestein" on his birth certificite. He wayed 27 pounds when he was born. He is a plump kid, trying to make it through school. But then he discovers somthing speacil. He was brought up a vegitarien, but then one day at school, this bully rufus forced in to scarf a meatball down. He had been thinking of a tornado. He was the tornado. He then realized if he ate a meatball, he could think of somthing and become it for 2 minutes aand 31 seconds. Things were great. he scared away his bully. His principal told him about a "secret extra credit project". he had to become certin animals for a certin formula. But what would the principal do with the formula? how would he ever deal with his problems? read the book to find out.

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