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Date Posted: 08:42:29 01/09/05 Sun
Author: Haley 1-2
Subject: BAT 6

I read BAT 6 for my Historical Fiction Book. I thought it was a pretty good book. It is about 2 groups of girls that are both on a Softball team. One from a town called Barlow and the other from Bear Creek Ridge. All the girls are very excited this year because they have been waiting to play in their annual game. People in both towns have been playing in this game for a long time. It started after the war when all the men were fighting about the war. The women thought that they needed to do something to stop them so they started the "Bat" games.This year each team has a new player that moved to their towns this year. On the Bear Creek Ridge team there is Aki. She lived in Bear Creek Ridge before the war but then her family had to move away during the war to camps since they are Japanese. Her mother was an MVP in her game. Aki played first base. On Barlow there is a girl called Shazam. Her real name is Shirly. She lives with her grandma. Her father was killed by the Japanese during the war. She plays center field. When the day comes all the girls line up on the line on the field. They are supposted to shake hands. When Aki and Shazam meet Shazam sticks her hand out and then pulls it back. Aki's friends were furious but Aki is very forgiving and insisted that it was O.K. A few innings into the game something terrible happens. Shazam is at bat and slices the ball to the shortstop, who cought it. Even though Shazam is out she ran inside the baselines to Aki and wacks her in the side of her head with her elbow. Aki is rushed to the hospital. All the girls are very mad because their game has been canceled. Aki has to wear a brace on her head for the rest of the summer. I think the message in this story is that even though people are from different cultures they should be treated equally. I enjoyed this book alot. I would give it ****. This book was by Virginia Euwer Wolff and it was 230 pages.

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