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Subject: ^^anger^^

Angel, Nika, and Skye
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Date Posted: 16:29:45 10/20/01 Sat

Angel had enough, RD's absence had finally gotten to her. She saw her sister Nika, walking a few yards away, and Angel took her anger out on her. She leaped, and slammed into Nika, ripping into her side with a vengance. Nika yelped caught of gaurd, and when she sees it is Angel she yelps Angel?!
Angel snarls, and rips into Nika's neck her claws scratching and clawing in anger. Nika snarls back, and slammed a paw into her sisters head, knocking her sideways off of her. Nika jumps to her feet and snarls What the heck are you doing Angel?
Skye walked up, and stops dead, watching his mother, and his aunt fighting. He snarls, a weak confused snarl, and he strides around them, trying to figure out what was happening.
Angel didnt see her son, she roared, and lept onto Nika's back, Nika nimbly bucked her off, and sunk her teeth into Angel's shoulder.
Skye ran up, and slammed into Nika, thinking she was attacking her mother. Nika hit a tree, and yelped whining, she stood, and lept at Skye, grabbing his neck, and throwing him to the side, just as Angel lept onto her back again, biting into Nika's neck.
Nika snarled and pushed her off, and bit into Angel's chest, just as Skye's nimble form slammed into her again. Angel snarls, and slams a paw into the side of his head knocking him out, then she grabbed Angel, and threw her across the clearing. Angel leaped aain, just as Nika bent over Skye making sure she only knocked him out, she hit Nika and bit into her neck close to her jugular....

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*Winters Night leaps over and knocks Angel to the ground holding her down with her paws*WN17:55:48 10/23/01 Tue

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