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Subject: Young wolf appears on the boundry, followed by his sister

Pan and Juni (Hey look we're 'ere again)
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Date Posted: 16:48:57 11/27/01 Tue

(OOC: Sry, I forgot about them!)

Pantalaimon's fur glistened in the twilight, he howled a greeting to his mother, and father. Juni on the other hand, skidded down the hill barking shrilly.
Nika appears in the emerald green of the trees, and barked a greeting running to her daughter.
Pan, not one to be left out, howled and ran down the hill, tumbling head over heels. He landed in a heap and stood, trying to look dignified, but the immense grin on his face ruined it. The three greeted each other fondly, and Nika barks Where've you been?
Pan grins Ah, we've been ya know lookin' round.
Juni nods.
Skye watched from the trees, the young independant male, eyed his cousins, but did not approach, still feeling slightly stange after attavking Angel, his own mother.
Angl meanwhile, walked down to greet them, but she never looked at Nika....

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Seeing the two he darts over to go and greet themWhite Fang17:47:56 12/02/01 Sun

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