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Subject: (OOC:Are you in the no frames or somethin'? Because in the frames Kapu doesn't have a TT...)>>

Dark Angel
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Date Posted: 17:45:34 11/25/01 Sun
In reply to: White Fang 's message, "Congradulations" on 17:27:53 11/25/01 Sun

She snarls at Nika. Nika what has goten into your skin? Is America below Russia when they step on their turf? NO! America is still one of the most powerful countries in the world no matter who's turf they happen to be on. You never tried to dominate me when I was a pup! Have I ofended you in some way 'cause quite franckly you've been totally untaginistic to me sence the second I entered your TT. You are Queen here I understand that but I am also a queen now and I sugest you stop trying to treat me as a threat okay? I know I made some bad dessions...REALLY bad dessions but even SILVERTAIL treats me with more respect than pond skum! Now I'm no god d*** threat to you or your family ya hear? I'm Angela! The pup who was born and breed here. Oh I bet when Joey and Thunder come you'll do the same thing to them! I'm trying to be nice and your treating me like a turd on your feet so if this is what you've all ways thought of me maybe I should've left earlier. Excuse my temper but this is the way I'm sure everybody gets when a leader who was once looked up to trys to dominate a leader of equil athority. Is it because I'm younger Nika? Is it because of your TT being deleted? Is it because Eclipse and Lonar sudunly disapeared? Tell me Nika...why do you hate me so dang much? She pants heavily in rage and glares at her.

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Re: (OOC:Are you in the no frames or somethin'? Because in the frames Kapu doesn't have a TT...)>>Nika's playa15:40:02 11/26/01 Mon

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