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Date Posted: 09:31:56 09/13/05 Tue
Author: No name
Subject: ~

*Congrats Megan!*

Miss Beverly thanks for a great weekend. I am so glad mom put me on that last minute plane trip to Arkansas. Even after having my flight changed, being stuck in Chicago for 3 hours and then not having luggage until the next day!! IT WAS WORTH IT!!!! I LOVE my butterfly crown. It is beautiful.
Miss Alisha, I had a BLAST at your house, Thanks for the airport shuttle service :).Cory and KT you can't any better than you guys for late night Froot Loops, oops I mean popcorn and a movie.
Miss Nicki and Miss Alisha, thanks for everything you guys do for me at the pageants. My Hair and Makeup was beautiful. I couldn't do this without my mom if you weren't there to make sure everything was taken care of.
Mr James, you are the best pageant dad ever. You took care of KT and I like a champ. Even going to WalMart and standing the jewerly dept with mom on the phone, hunting the perfect earrings for my other swimsuit. Thanks for all you do.
Alexandra, Christina, Valarie and Miss Anda,, what a thrill to see all of you this weekend. Christina, I love the swimsuit,
Over All Comp and Portfolio,
Kapture Kashay, Miss Jennifer, JTB Photography (James) and Port Perfect (aka, mom and Miss Tracey) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... We have worked for a year getting this right and it happening..
Aaron, the flowers were beautiful. Thank You for always being there for me. You know you're Good Luck Charm. I missed hearing your yell this weekend.
To all the TKO's you guys rocked. I am so proud to be part of such an awesome group of competitors.
Thanks Again to Everyone...

Megan Pressley
9 & Up Beauty/Swimsuit Supreme
9 & Up O/A Composite and Portfolio
Divisional Swimsuit and Composite

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