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Subject: To Pahu 2

PGB (:-))
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Date Posted: 23:26:32 05/18/09 Mon
In reply to: Pahu 's message, "Out-of-Place Fossils 1" on 11:01:20 05/18/09 Mon

Firstly Pahu thanks very much for writing back. It's good of you to take the time to do it. I realise you didn't have to, so thanks from me.

Pahu: Do you consider it rubbish because you haven’t read it? What I am sharing is my side of the story presented by knowledgeable authorities and scientists who know the subject far better than I.

PGB: I’ll admit I actually read quite a bit of it but didn’t find it compelling because: (A) – it’s almost entirely butchered quotations taken out of context of what the author was actually trying to say. The very fact that the authors have included Richard Dawkins (!), Stephen Jay Gould and Carl Sagan should attest to this. I can find you plenty of quotes where they’re saying the exact opposite and I’m sure just by googling you can too. (B) – All the messages point to some apparent mystery that’s not explained by current science, with the implication being that it proves the case for an almighty intelligent creator. For so many reasons this is a wrong assumption not least is that this is the very motivation that drives scientific discovery. Pointing out that science doesn’t know things does not put a hole in the argument, and if it did there could be a number of unconsidered arguments that could account for the origin of the universe, we don’t have to revert to Yarweh, although he’s one possibility. This is the fallacy of the false dichotomy – there could be a lot more possibilities than our tiny human brains can imagine.

Pahu: Does the truth depend on my ability to understand it? Scientists can present the facts far better than I can, so I prefer to share their words. Or would you prefer my ignorant opinions because they are easier to refute?

PGB: To address the latter question I have to apologise for the sarcastic tone in my previous post as it may have got your back up. I’m not looking for ignorant opinions that are easy to refute – I just want to see how other people (outside my own circle) think. But in an internet that’s so full of trolls and spammers it’s hard to do. I’m genuinely taken aback that you’ve replied directly and I can see from the sentences that you’ve written you’re not an idiot. Don’t think I’ll find well formed arguments easy to refute – I’m a signwriter not a scientist.

But to address the former statement “Does the truth depend on my ability to understand it?” – well if you’ve formed an opinion – ie that science disproves evolution then yes it most certainly does, especially since most of the scientists you’ve named believe their discoveries actually prove evolution. And if the opinion of scientists means so much to you, then I have to tell you the vast, vast majority believe creationism to be a myth, and can see the actual proof of evolution. Does their opinions not carry as much weight?

My big question then to you Pahu is, what do you believe? My followup question is, why do you believe it?

I’m not interested in debunking or refuting your belief – I just want to get a clear picture of what and why.

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Re: To Pahu 2Pahu11:36:22 05/26/09 Tue

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