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Date Posted: 10:25:35 07/22/20 Wed
Author: jame0610 (missjuliette1kouauauo@gmail.com)
Subject: Google GMail Fake Orphans Never Looked Like This!
In reply to: "Stinky" Alescoop 's message, "Anthony Martini [anthony@anthonymartini.net] Has Another Obscure Advertising Scam Available" on 10:34:25 02/18/19 Mon

Realistic Google-Qualified Orphans Need Your Quick and Easy Cash

lose money fast by sending it abroad

The problem is the same sad problem [missjuliette1kouauauo@gmail.com] you have known for years. Due to various wars, disasters, calamaties, and infelicitudes, there are so many widows and orphans in need of quick and easy cash. The real ones do not have access much access to the internet, but do not worry about that. After all, there are so many realistic ones, and they are better prepared to provide and accept fulfillment of funding requests.

Not only that, but you will feel better dealing with the realistic unfortunates. They have higher aims, mainly focused on target funded amounts. And they can provide more and better illustrations, often clumsily photo edited into place to assure you that your investment is sound and effective.

assuage the aches of realistic misfortune dusky girl in sheer pink bra and panties 1600x1200 is marginally more likely to appear than money
It may not be possible to help every realistic widow and orphan, even limiting it to those who have met the stringent qualifications for a Google GMail account, but you can at least pick one:

model in pink bra and panties 1462x2046

All of these unfortunates have vast sums of ill-gotten money, all of which is 100% risk-free and fictional. Due to this nature, the actual shipping costs must be paid in advance and in real money. Fortunately the costs are negligible compared to the amount of make-believe money you should receive later. Note that each vendor will have their own individualized reasons why prepayment in real money is required.

It might be official government stamps, or perhaps bank fees. It could be delivery and demurrage. But in any event, you can be assured that multiple fees are payable as the fictional funds make their journey from the vendor's imagination to yours.

The important thing is that the amount of real money you send is so small compared to the amount of make-believe money you hope to receive. With that in mind, you should prepare to lose money fast by sending it abroad!

All transactions backed by the Google three-way warranty:
  1. No questions, please
  2. No money back
  3. No exceptions
Google Services
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
cutercounter.com[turkish tiny fingers]
dusky girl in bra and tight panties 1031x1536 is more likely to appear than your moneydusky girl in sports bra and pants 1067x1600 does not resemble google orphansdusky girl in bra and panties 1600x1600 is not the one absconding with your money
Illustrations have nothing to do with the less fortunate persons you think you are helping. They are provided only for amusement. Not legal for trade. You shall have nothing except maybe some santorum for your money and efforts. Maybe a receipt from the money transfer service, but don't count on it.

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